Handy Information
Bussing info- http://nsts.ca
Please check School Cash Online often-new items are often added
Please log ALL attendance in the School Messenger APP/Website
Spirit Wear
Can be ordered directly from the company all year long!
Click below for:
Morning Supervision
Outside before school starts at 8:55am
Please DO NOT drop students off before then
School Messenger:
All absences are done through School Messenger. Having the app on your phone is the easiest way to submit an absence as well as the website here. Please log out of School Messenger and then log back in. If you receive an error message, you will be prompted to contact your child's school to verify log in information. If you don't receive an error message, you are good to go!
Medical Forms:
The medical forms are below. They are fillable. Please save them on your computer and send to jsv@dsbn.org